Use the information on this page to prepare your school's technology for online testing.
Download the Student Kiosk
Download RICAS Student Kiosk for Chromebook
Chromebook Users: devices used for RICAS testing will need to install the updated ChromeOS App if they have not already. The app can be found in the Chrome Web Store today and a new app version was released on February 19, 2025. Instructions for installing the application are located in the Guide to Installing the RICAS Student Kiosk and Conducting Site Readiness on page 4. If users already have the app installed, the app should automatically update. Assuming site readiness has already been conducted on these devices, site readiness does not need to be conducted again after this version is updated.
Chromebook Users: devices used for RICAS testing will need to install the updated ChromeOS App if they have not already. The app can be found in the Chrome Web Store today and a new app version was released on February 19, 2025. Instructions for installing the application are located in the Guide to Installing the RICAS Student Kiosk and Conducting Site Readiness on page 4. If users already have the app installed, the app should automatically update. Assuming site readiness has already been conducted on these devices, site readiness does not need to be conducted again after this version is updated.
Download RICAS Student Kiosk for iPad
iPad Users: devices used for RICAS testing will need to install the updated iOS App. The app can be found in the Apple App Store today and a new app version was released on February 19, 2025. Instructions for installing the application are located in the Guide to Installing the RICAS Student Kiosk and Conducting Site Readiness on page 14. If users already have the app installed, they will need to update the version of the app when prompted if auto-updates are not turned on. Assuming site readiness has already been conducted on these devices, site readiness does not need to be conducted again after this version is updated.
iPad Users: devices used for RICAS testing will need to install the updated iOS App. The app can be found in the Apple App Store today and a new app version was released on February 19, 2025. Instructions for installing the application are located in the Guide to Installing the RICAS Student Kiosk and Conducting Site Readiness on page 14. If users already have the app installed, they will need to update the version of the app when prompted if auto-updates are not turned on. Assuming site readiness has already been conducted on these devices, site readiness does not need to be conducted again after this version is updated.
Download RICAS Student Kiosk for Mac
Mac Users: devices used for RICAS testing will need to turn off the Force Click (3D Touch) on Mac TrackPad. Instructions for turning off this setting are located in the Guide to Installing the RICAS Student Kiosk and Conducting Site Readiness on page 20. Site readiness does not need to be conducted again after this setting is updated.
Mac Users: devices used for RICAS testing will need to turn off the Force Click (3D Touch) on Mac TrackPad. Instructions for turning off this setting are located in the Guide to Installing the RICAS Student Kiosk and Conducting Site Readiness on page 20. Site readiness does not need to be conducted again after this setting is updated.
Download RICAS Student Kiosk for Windows
Windows Users: devices used for RICAS testing on which students will be testing using Text-to-Speech or Assistive Technology will need the updated Windows Kiosk installed. The updated Windows kiosk is available in the portal. Instructions for installing the Kiosk on a Windows device are located in the Guide to Installing the RICAS Student Kiosk and Conducting Site Readiness on page 26. If the new kiosk is installed on test taking devices, site readiness should be conducted on those devices.
Windows Users: devices used for RICAS testing on which students will be testing using Text-to-Speech or Assistive Technology will need the updated Windows Kiosk installed. The updated Windows kiosk is available in the portal. Instructions for installing the Kiosk on a Windows device are located in the Guide to Installing the RICAS Student Kiosk and Conducting Site Readiness on page 26. If the new kiosk is installed on test taking devices, site readiness should be conducted on those devices.